Sociology and the Internet, Social Media, Networks and Mobile Social Software
Mapping social networks in Twitter Lists with NodeXL (v.161)
April 5th, 2011 by Marc Smith · 5 Comments
Lists are a recent feature of Twitter which enable users to compile collections of users to follow in a single tweet stream. People can add up to 500 people to follow on a single list. People on a list may be connected to one another if one follows the other.
Some people on a list may have many connections. Some have only a few or even no connections to others on the list.
In version 161 of NodeXL you may now create maps of the connections among a list of Twitter users.
There are two options in this feature. One makes use of the List functions in Twitter. If you request the map for a single twitter list, NodeXL will build a map of the connections among all the people Twitter reports as being on the list. You can create and manage the people on a list using the Twitter list features, or select an existing Twitter list created by other users.
A second option in this feature accepts a list of up to 10,000 twitter user names pasted into the query text box. If you have a list of users and want a map of how they are connected, and the list is not already in Twitter, just paste them here and get a map.
Either way, a connection will be created for every two users if one follows the other.