Thursday, June 3, 2010

Muslim Demographic Threat Video

This video presents a typical anti-Muslim argument by political and/or religious camps in various countries. The argument proposes that since Muslim families generally tend to have more kids, they are a threat because even though they are generally poorer than the larger society they will eventually become the majority. For those who hold this position, they assert that Muslims are basically just waiting until they have the numbers to revolt and create Islamic governments in all corners of the globe. Yet, they overlook the fact that many Muslims strongly oppose forming Islamic states, and that most Muslims are quite assimilated culturally, economically, and politically into their country of residence/nationality. Similar arguments have been made by whites in California and Texas where Hispanics are now the majority population, even though there has been no radical political shift to take over power in any dramatic form. On the contrary, in most instances when various groups bring up the Muslim demographic threat they do not use it as a call for their own ethnic, religious, or linguistic groups to reproduce more. No, usually the suggestion is that the countries need to consider removing Muslims by deportation, exile, or even outright mass murder (for example, Serbian genocide of Bosnian Muslims on basis of demographic threat). This video calls for better missionary work to overcome the demographic discrepancy, even though the most obvious case would simply be to call on members of their group to have more kids. So, no matter the group making the case for the Muslim demographic threat (see: Israel, France, UK, Germany, among others), the point is always the same: we need to somehow push back against this conspiratorial plan by Muslims to take over the world. When all is said and done, Muslims or Mexicans come out like some evil comic book character, when they are usually well-assimilated, hard-working, and good-natured people. Apparently that is just part of their secret beware!